इस नए शिक्षा प्रणाली का फायदा Graduate और post Graduate विद्यार्थियों को जरूर हो रहा है । ये उनके लिए जबरदस्त अनुभव है।
पिछले दस वर्षो में हमने 20000 से ज्यादा उम्मीदवारोको सफलता पूर्वक मार्गदर्शन किया हैं । महाराष्ट्र के पुणे शहर में हमारी चार शाखाएं कार्यरत है।
बहुत लोगोंको ये लगता है की ऐसी योजनाएं बताकर कही हमे फसाया तो नही जा रहा है? पर इसमें चिंता का कोई विषय नही है।
हमारे पिछले दस वर्षो के अनुभव के बारे में जानने के लिए आप Google पर search किजिए।
हमारे selected candidates के आप videos देखिए।
हमारी वेबसाइट www.wiceindia.com पर visit कीजिए। जो विद्यार्थी मित्रों ने हमसे शिक्षा प्राप्त की है उनके reviews पढ़िए। उनका अनुभव आपके लिए नि:संदेह प्रेरणदायी होगा।
Our Student’s Speak
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Our Students

Winner Institute is the best institute for banking and other competitive examination.
best teaching faculty, and staff are also very cooperative.
best classroom facility are provided here with computer lab and library is also there.
Abhay Sir and Saurabh Sir for being a great inspiration to us.

One of the finest classes for banking, in Pune.
Cooperative faculties, well maintained infrastructure, library facility. I met one of the ak time best GK teacher in the same class, Saurabh Sonawane sir. He not only improved understanding about GK, but helped in personality development. His Questions Prediction skills are really awesome. It really helped a lot in cracking exam.
Thank you Winner Institute.

Winner Institute is a great for competitive exam preparations.I have joined Winner Institute some days before and I’m glad that i am the part of institute.everyday I’m learning something new.specially i like the sessions of GK & Current affairs so much i also like the lectures of logical and reasoning. I hope that i will have some more great memories in future with me…

According to my experience, Winner Institute is a very good institute for students to be fundamentally strong and it also helps them to score good marks in Banking exam and also in other competitive exams.

Winner Institute is the best banking classes in Pune for preparation of all banking examinations. In Winner Institute banking aspirants will get a chance to learn from the experienced bankers. We provide a wide range of courses and programs as a result of the continuous effort to meet the needs of banking as well as all types of competitive exams and to improve your personality on the whole. These courses are designed in a manner that systematically equip them with the knowledge and techniques required for any exam and help them in their career progress.

Winner Institute is the best Banking Coaching Class. Winner Institute provide proper coaching for banking entrance exam with proper guidance . They provide notes and test series for practice . They guide us in each and every step of our career. I suggest everyone to join winner Institute for banking preparation.

All Faculty is very good and supportive.class timing is very suitable for me n video lectures is also very good facility providing from class. I think winner institute is Best institute for preparing for competitive exam in government sectors jobs.
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हमारी holistic development theory विद्यार्थियों की जीवनी बदल देता है। ये बदलाव उनको आखरी पड़ाव तक काम में आता है।
आपको पढ़ाने के लिए सभी एक्स बैंकर्स नियुक्त है। उनका प्रत्यक्ष अनुभव आपके लिए सही साबित होगा।
हमारे Winner institute में बस उन्ही विद्यार्थियों admission दिया जाता है, जो अपने career के प्रती serious है।
नागपुर में झांसी रानी चौक पर Winner institute की शाखा around 5000 sq.ft. में बनी है। नीचे दिए गए पते पर प्रत्यक्ष आकर आपकी सभी शंकाओंका समाधान कीजिए।
आपके साथ अगर आप अपने माता पिता को लाते है तो बहुत ही अच्छा होगा।
हमारा पता:
Winner Institute
Vidarbha Sahitya Sankul
Block no.28/29
Ground floor
Behind Jhansi Rani statue
Jhansi Rani Square
Sitabuldi, Nagpur 440012
Contact number : 99 23 125 666
99 23 225 666
Abhay Satyaki
Nagpur Head Office

Address:Block no.28/29 Ground floor
Behind Jhansi Rani statue Jhansi Rani Square,
Sitabuldi, Nagpur, Maharashtra 440012
Phone : 99 23 125 666 / 99 23 225 666
Mail : wiceindia@gmail.com